Friday, April 14, 2006


GOOD Friday

Gah - sooo much to update on, not a clue where to begin, so in true procrastination fashion, I am going to "save it for another time". Plus, my throat is completely soar again which makes me super duper cranky, grrr...

Good thing I am still loving and luxuriating in tempo land; good times 9-5 baby!

Massive "coincidental" sightings and "bump ins" this week. To the point where there really is no such thing as a coincidence.

Ok, ok, must finish my devlishly good pastry from Nova Era and sip this fine Kona coffee. Meanwhile, enjoy this lovely article I scooped from one of the UK papers during the week...

Also, I see that the roach brooches from ANTM have made some online catalogue and the NY Post.

Meanwhile, had to post a pic of another hot Nigerian actor. So in Hollywoodland, thanks to Spike Lee, Chiwetel plays opposite Denzel in INSIDE MAN, however, the UK has him in a Wesley Snipes/Dave Chappelle moment in a lead as a drag queen in Kinky Boots.

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